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Recruiting Via Text: How To Improve The Candidate Experience

The right talents can make or break an organization, racing it towards success or pushing it downhill. That is why the recruitment process is often more challenging and delicate than you would expect. Finding the right candidate among dozens of applicants with similar resumes and experiences is hard - especially as recruiters have to read a candidate’s character and values in just a couple of interviews!

Aside from being lengthy and challenging, the recruitment process is also costly - and hiring a new recruit can amount to over $4,000 and 42 days! Even worse, the cost of replacing a staff member can add up to 6-9 months of their salary, which makes it essential to get the process right the first time and win over your employees’ loyalty.

Here’s all you need to know about using recruiting via text to speed up, streamline, and improve the success rate of your business’ recruitment process.

Benefits of Using Mass Text Messaging During the Recruitment Process

Today's workforce is changing, and understanding job seekers' unique needs and traits are essential to attract the right candidates. Today, most job seekers are Millennials, dealing with large volumes of the available information - and a decreasing attention span. While these talents are reshaping the recruitment process and workforce, using text messages rather than emails can help you win some extra points!

Some of the benefits of using text messages in the recruitment process include:

  • Higher candidate engagement

    Text messaging has a 98% open rate, 90% visualization rate within the first 3 seconds, and replied to within 90 seconds. 
  • Speed up the recruitment process

      Text messages can deliver information whenever you need it the most.
  • Reach large groups of candidates

     From five contacts to 10,000 and more; you can connect with the best candidate for the job.
  • Strike up a conversation with talents

    Text messaging is a two-way system that allows you to speak directly with every candidate.
  • Benefit from smart integrations

     Text-Em-All text recruiting service benefits from integrations with the most popular HR and recruitment software. 

7 Tips To Recruit Via Text

Recruiting by text can speed up the process and help you reduce the budget needed to find the perfect candidate. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your recruitment strategy with a text recruiting platform.

Send Short Texts

The decreasing attention span of younger generations is not the only reason you should keep your texts short. Text messages that are too long might not appear whole as a mobile phone’s notification. 

A short preview that does not directly deliver the information might be discarded as spam or irrelevant, while the message could contain important information! Make sure to keep your texts under the 640-character mark - any longer message deserves a phone call! Learn how a mass texting service is the most effective way to keep people informed when it matters most.

Integrate the Platform With Your Recruitment Software

Whether you use BullhornERecruitGreenHouse, or People2.0, your recruitment software should be fully integrated with your text message service for recruiters. Thanks to these integrations, you won’t need to search for or lookup contacts, making them one of the best mass text recruiting features. Instead, you can directly access a database and contact your desired applicant within seconds. 

Keep the Message Professional

Whether you wish to present yourself as a modern, friendly, or authoritative company, you should always keep your language professional and polite when texting candidates. Avoid the use of abbreviations or emojis that might make you and your company unprofessional. Also, you should only send messages to potential candidates and applicants during working hours and from your business number.

Ideally, you should use a template and schedule that allows you to maintain consistency across your communication channels and contacts. 

Keep Texts for a Second Contact

Depending on if you will use text messages during your recruitment process, they might be more or less suitable for the first contact with a candidate. If they have signed up to a board and are waiting for a notification, using text messages to get in touch is the ideal move because it will ensure that they receive the information in time. 

Simultaneously, for more personal types of communication, connecting for the first time through a text message might not be the ideal option. Your candidate might be surprised by this kind of contact: they might wonder about how you got their number and worry about their privacy. 

Finding a balance between these two aspects is up to you: only you know the relationship you have with your audience and candidates!

Have Templates Ready To Go

Mass text messages are a great option to send recurring messages to a large number of individuals or candidates. However, you should consider having templates ready to go for such situations - so that you can spend time focusing on eventual replies and ensure that there are no mistakes in the message you have sent out!

Personalize Your Message

Standard messages that advertise a new job opening or internal opportunities are becoming increasingly common. However, if a candidate is not familiar with your company, this lack of personalization can give away a spam-like, unprofessional feeling. 

After all, you wish to hire professional and experienced candidates - show your interest by personalizing your text messages.

How To Use Text Messages For Recruiting and HR

The ways in which you can use Text-Em-All's mass text messaging for your recruiting process are endless. From reaching a large number of candidates to confirming appointments or promoting internal opportunities, mass text messages can help you take your communication with employees and candidates to the next level. 

Introducing this system as part of your recruitment process can help you reduce your budget and alleviate the strain on your HR team! Here are a few ways to use mass text messaging:

  • Send out job alerts and position fills to interested candidates or applicants
  • Send reminders regarding appointments, dates, and locations
  • Request documents, worksheets, and compliance
  • Send emergency notifications across your company to employees and managers
  • Confirm appointments and schedules 
  • Send a quick reply and strike up a conversation with a candidate or employee

Recruit With Text-Em-All 

Here at Text-Em-All, we have seen how the best mass texting service for recruiters can speed up the recruitment process, help you secure the best applicant, and aid in reaching out to suitable candidates. Recruiting with Text-Em-All is easy: craft the message you want, personalize it, and deliver it whenever you need a new hire!